Discovery of water droplet freezing steps bridges atmospheric science, climate solutions
Understanding Polymerization in Extraterrestrial Ices
UH Manoa joins $26 Million NSF project to find climate-friendly cooling
$26M grant fuels UH research on climate-friendly cooling
NSF announces 4 new Engineering Research Centers focused on biotechnology, manufacturing, robotics and sustainability
PNAS: Ionizing radiation exposure on Arrokoth shapes a sugar world
Sulfur molecules from space may have seeded early life on Earth
Formation of Alkylsulfonic Acids in Interstellar Analog Ices
Sulfur molecules from space seeded early life on Earth
Synthesis of Methanetriol (Video)
Molecule Breaks 150-Year Old Chemistry Rule
UH Mānoa scientists help unravel life’s cosmic beginnings
How a sugar acid crucial for life could have formed in interstellar clouds
Interstellar cloud conditions yield ‘impossible molecule’
Science In The Pipeline: Methanetriol
First Synthesis of Elusive Methanetriol
How a sugar acid crucial for life could have formed in interstellar clouds
Breakthrough Synthesis Reveals New Clues in Search for the Origins of Life
Unraveling the origins of life: Scientists discover ‘cool’ sugar acid formation in space
Interstellar Ices: A Factory of the Origin-of-Life Molecules
Interstellar Ices: A Factory of the Origin-of-Life Molecules
Deep space chemical reactions unveil secrets of Earth’s life origins
Life as we know it may have its roots in an old, cold cosmic cloud
Stellar Origins: Life’s Building Blocks May Predate Earth
Building blocks for life could have formed near new stars and planets
New Insights into the Origins of Amino Acids: A Cosmic Journey
University of Hawaii unearths clues to life's origin with icy space amino acid
Amino Acids May Have Formed Alongside Stars or Planets
Key molecule for life may have formed on interstellar ice
Scientists Probe the Source of Key Hydrocarbons on Earth—and in Space
Molecular Mass Growth to Coronene in Extreme Environments
Colorful Kuiper Belt puzzle solved by UH researchers
Shane Goettl Wins ARCS Graduate Student Award
How football-shaped molecules occur in the universe
Elusive antiaromatic molecule produced in a lab for the 1st time
UH lab produces building blocks to DNA and RNA in deep space
2022 PCCP HOT Article: Mechanistical study on the formation of hydroxyacetone, methyl acetate, and 3-hydroxypropanal along in interstellar ice analogs
2022 PCCP HOT Article: Gas-phase formation of silicon monoxide via non-adiabatic reaction dynamics and its role as a building block of interstellar silicates
It Came from Outer Space –“The Spark for the Molecular Evolution of Life as We Know It?”
2022 PCCP HOT Article: Excited state photochemically driven surface formation of benzene from acetylene ices on Pluto
Featured article in Nature Comm: Experimental identification of aminomethanol—the key intermediate in the Strecker Synthesis
Elusive atmospheric molecule produced in a lab for the 1st time by UH
Key to carbon-free cars? Look to the stars
Novel P and N chemistry
Environmentally-friendly space fuel research gets $550K boost
Space offers insight on benzene production
$600K grant supports national defense through energetic material development
Key to Carbon-Free Cars? Look to the Stars
Basic buliding block to earliest forms of life discovered
New Study Evaluates Role of Carbenes on the Formation of Soot
Key building block of life may have arrived from deep space
Deep-space discovery debunks decades-old belief
Laser techniques and photochemistry find elusive molecular building block
Touchless chemical reactions through levitation
Sound waves levitate chemistry
Andrew Turner selected for ACS Dissertation Award
Mystery of where early Earth’s life-fueling phosphates came from may have been solved
Aaron Thomas graduates with a Ph.D.! (1:54:36)
Aaron's commencement with President Lassner
Sand Dunes on Titan
Scientists reveal new pathway for carbon chemistry to evolve in space
Berkeley Lab study discovers method to synthesize complex aromatics
Study Reveals ‘Radical’ Wrinkle in Forming Complex Carbon Molecules in Space
A Titanic Theory: A Cool New Reaction Has Astronomers Over the Moon
Reaction Dynamics in Extreme Environments and Astrochemistry
Key phosphorus-based molecule for life on Earth may have come from Space
Recipe for Making H2O in the Lunar Regolith: Implant Solar Wind Hydrogen and Heat with Micrometeorite Impacts
Wet Side of the Moon
Matthew Abplanalp graduates with a Ph.D.! (2:06:40)
Matthew Abplanalp wins student excellence in research award!
Water formation on the moon demonstrated by UH Manoa scientists
Water formation on the Moon demonstrated
Zapping moon dust produces water
How to Make Moon Water: Add Solar Wind, Tiny Meteorites, and Then Heat)
Moon water breakthrough: NASA finds evidence of water forming on moon
Phosphine: Molecule of National Chemistry Week!
Chemists find possible explanation for Titan’s haze
Scientists Home In On The Mystery Of Titan’s Atmospheric Haze
Scientists Simulate Complex Chemistry of Titan’s Atmosphere
Resesarchers Identify the “Missing Link” in the Chemistry of Saturn's Largest Moon
Scientists present new clues to cut through the mystery of Titan’s atmospheric haze
“A Prebiotic Earth” –Missing Link Found on Saturn’s Moon Titan
Newsday's Paul Hawkins BBC
Phosphates: Key Ingredients for Life On Earth Could Have Originated In Deep Space
A Key Ingredient For Life Fell To Earth From Outer Space
The artificial interstellar ice grains that provide 'compelling new evidence' the ingredients for life on Earth came from deep space on a comet
Key molecular building blocks may have come from space
Biocompatible phosphorus could have traveled to Earth on space ice
Did key building blocks for life come from deep space?
Molecule with simplest phosphorus peptide bond synthesised in space-like conditions
Predicting the chemistry happening inside interstellar ice
Phosphino Formic Acid Detected for the First Time
New Study Says Alien Worlds May Lack Enough Phosphorus to Create Extraterrestrial Life
Chocolate in deep space
Complex organic compounds from dying stars could be life precursors
Study at Berkeley Lab traces growth of molecules into solids, life forms
Hydrocarbons: How Did the Chemical Building Blocks of Life Appear in Space?
Chemical Sleuthing Unravels Possible Pathways to Aromatic Compounds in Space
Sweets in an unexpected place and unexpected ingredients in sweets
Ralf Kaiser named American Chemical Society fellow
Astrochemistry: How life may have begun in space
ARCS Foundation honors top doctoral candidates in STEM fields
A chilling discovery about the universe’s molecular building blocks of life
Did life's building blocks form in interstellar ice? Cosmic rays can create molecules in frozen dust clouds between stars
Why Is Water So Essential for Life?
Are Dying Carbon Stars The Ultimate Source Of Our DNA? \
DNA, Origins of Life: Hot Start to Life Described as 'Cosmic Barbeque' by Astronomers
A Hot Start to the Origin of Life?
University of Hawaii researchers find life-building compound could be from space
Key building block of life may have come from deep space
Carbonic Acid Crystal Forms Clarified
Reduce Global Warming By Understanding How Fire Works
Evidence Confirms Combustion Theory
Ralf Kaiser: A Crossed Molecular Beams and Study on the Formation of Prototype Aromatic and Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) in Extraterrestrial Environments
Insights into Evolution of Life on Earth from Saturn's Moon Titan
CEN PICKS – 246th ACS National Meeting in Indianapolis
Comets May Have Delivered Life’s Early Building Blocks
Evidence that comets could have seeded life on Earth
ACS Establishes Astrochemistry Subdivision
Kaiser elected fellow to national physics society
UH Manoa researchers discover novel chemical route to form organic molecules
Hydrocarbon discovery provides clue to origins of life and control of toxic emissions
The final chemistry frontier: Molecules of the interstellar medium must break the rules to make the stuff of space
Unraveling the Chemistry of Titan's Hazy Atmosphere
Peering into Titan's haze
Titan’s Haze Acts as Ozone Layer
Chemical dynamics of triacetylene formation and implications to the synthesis of polyynes in Titan’s atmosphere
UH Board of Regents approved naming of W.M. Keck Research Laboratory in Astrochemistry
$1.2M Grant: Tool will replicate chemistry of space
$ 2.4M Grant: UH-led researchers to study chemistry of Saturn's moon
Aloha to Space Chemistry
An Icy Atmosphere
New Program at The University of Hawai'i